Midsummer 2006 Ritual

Midsummer 2006
Main Ritual

Dramatis Personae:
Bell ringing druid;
Divining druid;
Bel druid;
Danu’s druid;
Gatekeeping druid;
High Ones’ druid;
Ancestral druid;
Nature Spirits druid;
Meditative druid;
Outdwellers’ druid;
Keeper of the Sacred Space Druid;

Offerings for: Ancestors, High Ones, Nature Spirits,Bel, Danu, Outdwellers
payment; communal drink; copies of ritual;
makings of sacred space (Cauldron, cup, large candle,
small candle, incense and tree. Offering bowl)
1. Prebriefing.
2. Bell ringing druid rings bell thrice.
3. Meditative druid. Tree Rooting Exercise.
4. Procession into the grove
“Walk with wisdom”
Walk with wisdom,to this sacred place
Walk not in sorrow, our roots shall ever embrace
Let strength be your brother, and honour be your
And luck be your lover, as we meet again.

5: Ritual Opening and Establishing the Sacred Grove through Fire, Well,
and Tree:

As our ancestors once did, so we do today, and so our children will do in the future. We are gathered here to pay homage to our Gods, ancestors and spirits of the land on this Midsummer Day, the longest day of the year. The Sun Lord, newly crowned Oak King, God of the Waxing Year is now on the peak of his power after giving warmth, light, radiance and fertility to the land, before entering into his darker aspect, the Holly King, God of the Waning Year. The Maiden is now entering into motherhood, her fertile belly carrying new life. The flowers are blooming, the crops are growing, promise of an incoming harvest. The Druids celebrated Midsummer as Alban Heruin, Light of the Shore. This is a time of celebration but also of community. The Lord and Lady teaches us a great lesson of giving, caring, creativity, nurtering and self sacrifice. In their honour, our rites will be followed by a communal feast, in the same spirit of giving and sharing that they have taught us.

Biodh se. ( Bee shay)

All: Biodh se ( Bee shay)

KSS lights the fire and makes an offering of
I kindle the sacred fire in wisdom, love, and power.
Sacred fire, burn within us.
All- Sacred fire, burn with us.

KSS pours the waters and makes an offering of
In the depths flow the waters of wisdom.
Sacred waters flow within us.
All- Sacred waters, flow within us.

KSS dresses & censes the world tree:
From the depths to the heights spans the world
Sacred tree, grow within us.
All- Sacred tree, grow within us.

KSS -The fire, the well, the sacred tree,
Flame and flow and grow in me!
In land, sea and sky,
below and on high!
Thus is the sacred grove claimed and hallowed.
By the cleansing of water and fire, let all ill
turn away from me and mine.
All- Biodh Se! (“Bee-shay”)

7. Gatekeeper- (blessing)
“Strength of the Land to you.
“Power of the Sea to you.
“Voice of the Sky to you.”

8. Opening the Gates.
Gatekeeper: “O Bee-leh, forest-heart, sacred tree!
O Being reaching to mystery!
O Bridge! lift us now along with Thee.
Let your gateway be opened

9- Outdwellers dispatching druid:
” Outsiders, forces of chaos, you who have chosen to not be part of our workings, you who dwell, fierce and untamed beyond our lands in dark places to civilization unknown, I give you this offering and ask you to stay behind the gate and do not disturb us during this rite,

10- Trigger for the offerings:
High Ones, Ancestors and Mighty Sidhe,
Powers of Earth and Sky and Sea,
By Fire and Well, by Sacred Tree,
To each, an offering we make to thee.

11- Ancestral druid:
Hear us, Old Ones, our ancestors and kin,
You whose blood flows in our veins.
You who have built the foundations our people stands upon
Our respected parents, ancestors, teachers and guides
From you we spring and with you we will grow in
Remember us as we remember you:
Ancestors, accept our offering

12-Natural druid:
Hear us, Spirits of Nature
Kindreds of fur, feather,scale, fin, bark, leaf and stem
Spirits of the forest, mountains, rivers and sky
From you we learn to live in harmony with our world,
and ourselves.
Aid us as we aid you:
Nature Spirits, Accept our offering!

13- High Ones druid:
Hear us, Shining Ones of old, you who uphold the
You who taught us the mysteries of life, wisdom, love and strength
Guides and guardians of our people, our divine mentors
In you we grow in wisdom, strength, and purity.
Honor us as we honor you:
Shining Ones, accept our offering!

14. Second Prayer:
KSS- We are here to honour our Gods and to ask
for their participation.

15- Danu Druid
Danu, Celestial Mother, everlasting, Welcome Be
Danu, Mighty river, ever flowing, Honored Be
Danu, Lady of Abundance, always giving, Blessed Be
*Danu Druid gives an offering of milk*

16- Bel Druid
Bel, Radiant Father, never fading, Welcomed Be
Bel, Fire of Life, always burning, Honored Be
Bel, Lord of the Sun, ever shining, Blessed Be
* Bel Druid gives an offering of sunflower seeds*

Chant : Hoof and Horn ( 3 times)
Danu Druid & all women : We all come from the Goddess and to Her we shall return like a drop of rain flowing to the ocean

Bel Druid & all men: We all come from the Horned One and to him we shall return like a flash of light shining from the fiery sun

Together : Hoof and horn, hoof and horn, all that dies shall be reborn. Corn and grain, corn and grain, all that dies shall rise again

17- KSS- Those who want to make personal offerings can do so
( Individual Offerings)

18- Divining Druid does an Ogham divination

19- Communal Sharing

20- Thanking the Powers
Each time we invoke the Powers they become stronger
and more alert to the needs of the Folk. But the time
has come to end our Working, and give them proper thanks

21-Bel Druid
Bel, Radiant Father, never fading, Welcomed Be
Bel, Fire of Life, always burning, Honored Be
Bel, Lord of the Sun, ever shining, Blessed Be
Bel, our Father, always loving, We Thank Thee

22-Danu Druid
Danu, Celestial Mother, everlasting, Welcome Be
Danu, Mighty river, ever flowing, Honored Be
Danu, Lady of Abundance, always giving, Blessed Be
Danu, our Mother, ever loving, We thank Thee

23- High Ones druid:
O Lords and Ladies, lofty, high,
To our ancient ones ever nigh,
Thank you for joining us today.
As pleases you, now go or stay.

24. Natural druid:
O Spirits of earth,river and sky,
Brothers and sisters of fur, feather, fin, bark, leaf and stem
Thank you for joining us today,
As pleases you, now go or stay.

25. Ancestral druid:
O Old Ones, our ancestors and kin,
You whose blood flows within.
Thank you for joining us today,
As pleases you, now go or stay.

26. Final closing:
By the Walker of the Ways, and by our magic, we end
what we began. Let the Fire be flame, and the Well be
water, and the ways between be shut. We have done as
our ancestors have done, and as our children will do,
and the Powers have answered. Let us go out into
the world secure in the knowledge that our offerings
have pleased them and that we go forth under their
protection. The ritual is at a close.
All- Biodh Se! (“bee-shay”)

27-Procession through the gateway,
“Walk with wisdom”
Walk with wisdom, from this sacred place
Walk not in sorrow, our roots shall ever embrace
Let strength be your brother, and honour be your
And luck be your lover, until we meet again.

28. Gatekeeping Druid:
“O Bee-leh, forest-heart, sacred tree!
O Being reaching to mystery!
O Bridge! Who brought us back through Thee.
Let your gateway be closed.

28. Meditative druid
Tree Uprooting Exercise.

28. Bell ringing druid rings bell thrice