Midsummer, 2003

Establishing The Grove

Preparation and Procession

People prepare themselves for the rite in whatever way that they want –
meditation, silence, random chaos. We then process from the path to the
tree ring, chanting “Hail to the Gods” (see attached chant sheet), and
circle the Tree Ring three times deosil. At the end of the procession,
the offerings that have been brought are placed at the base of the stump

Earth Mother Recognition

We know you by many names, from Danu to Kali to Ge, and yet you are she who
is always here; and will always remain. When we think we begin to understand
your mysteries; when we think that we understand; it is then that we see
your depths most clearly. We honour you, and praise you. As you uphold our
lives, uphold this rite.

Opening Meditation

Silent heartbreat drum, fading into group chant as people start to join in.
See chant sheet.

Affirming of the World Order

“By Fire and By Water” chant, from chant sheet. If we can pull it off, we
transition into this from the heartbeat chant.

Opening of the Gates

Depending on who is gatekeeping, and how the energy of the group is flowing
at this point (read: are we 100% chanted out?), either invoke Mannanan with
the gatekeeper song, or else say something that seems appropriate that I’m
not going to script.

Offerings to the Powers

Acknowledgement of the Outdwellers

We recognize that not all of those who might approach this sacred Grove
between the realms come with good will or good intention. For some, this
is because of history; for some, this is because of different goals; for
some, that is merely their way. We recognize that these differences cannot
change at this time, and so we make a gift of recognition. As a gift
demands a gift, we ask that you leave us alone for this time.
Rice is scattered far outside the area of the ritual.

Kindred of Nature

Hundreds of years ago, our ancestors brought their families, their axes,
and their Gods to this land. They struggled to draw the livings they knew
out of this strange land. Sometimes they feared the spirits already in this
land – a fear enhanced by the conflict between our ancestors and those who
lived here first. Sometimes they tried to pretend they did not exist; or
were demons.
From this fear and division came first war, but then exploitation, abuse,
and theft – acts without honour. We acknowledge these injustices of our past.

On this day, however, we call out to the spirits of this land, the hidden
manitou. We seek reconciliation, as we try to live in peace in this land;
as we recognize both its history and its future. We call out for justice
with our brothers and sisters today – justice in all its forms.

We burn sage and sweetgrass in your honour. We know that the path is not
short, to restore lost honour; yet today we make another small step.

The Dead

We call also on the experience and wisdom of those who have gone before
us; blazing the paths we walk today. Some of them we know – recent
ancestors of blood, or heroes who have made such a name that their deeds
are remembered. Some of them we do not – those so far in the past that
their names are no longer spoken; those who worked their deeds in silence
and merely did what needed to be done.

To all those dead, who bear us good will, we invite you to join us in our
rite. We bring you bread, that you might not hunger alone. Bread is
placed around tree.

The Gods

As has become our tradition, on this day of the height of summer, and on this
anniversary of our Grove, we do not call on any specific Gods, but call on
all those of the Shining Ones who have supported our work over the last year,
and make offerings to all. We invite any and all who wish to speak of
any of the particular Shining Ones, too, and to tell a story, make an oath,
bring a gift, or simply acknowledge them in silence.

Individual offerings here

As a grove, we also recognize you, and thank you for your support in the
life of the Grove as a whole; that it survives and prospers. As a gift
demands a gift, we offer sweet smelling oils. (Somebody pours oils on fire,
in well, around the tree), while group chants “Hail to the Gods”.

The Blessing


We have honoured the Kindreds, as they honour us. We now ask them for a sign
of the blessings they offer us for the next year; as individuals and as a
Standard divination format. Hopefully it doesn’t suck; if it does,
we change the text for the blessings a lot, or don’t take, it or just
generally listen to the results.

Sharing of blessings

In this space between the Worlds, we share a drink of blessing with the
spirits of Nature, the mighty Dead, and the Shining Gods, that it might
nurture us and sustain us when we return to our daily lives. We drink in
the spirit of this holy place, as we share it with our guests. We also
ask you to give whatever blessings you can into the cup, that we might
share among ourselves and with our guests.

Share the cup

Thanks and Closings

Kindreds (x3)

Mighty Gods of Old/Ancestors who have gone before/Spirits of the world
we see, you have blessed us as we have honoured you. We thank
you for your presence, as we prepare to return to our daily lives.


Gatekeeper does whatever the heck they want. I don’t script gatekeepers.


Let the fire be just a candle, which can burn out. (Candle is extinguished.)
Let the well be just a bowl, which can be emptied. (Well is emptied).
Let the tree be just a tree, to stand strongly.

Earth Mother

As all comes from Her, let all return to Her. Let us take all that remains
of this rite – and return it to Her. Similarly, let us take whatever energy
remains that we do not need in our lives, and return it to Her, knowing
that she will sustain us in our need.


Go now in peace, children of the Earth. This rite is ended. (Sing
“Walk with Wisdom”).