Imbolc, 2002

PARTS: D1 – D5 + Diviner

PROPS: -Fire, Well, Chimes, Grain, oils (2), coins, apple, silver, nuts, dried fruit
-drinking horn and juice

Procession to tree-ring. Circle thrice deosil. Chant.

D1 – Rings chimes 3X to signal beginning of opening prayers.

D2 – Goddess of this land, our gathering seeks your permission. Sovereign and benefactor, your grounds and waters sustain us. We give to you the respect given to Danu, Tailtiu and Medb Lethderg. Honor us, and uphold this rite!
*grain offered to the Land Goddess*

D3- Piercing flame of imbas – knowledge through inspiration! We honor today Brighid,
Goddess of poets and all who strive for you! Be upon our brows and tongues this
day as we pay tribute to the kindred.

D1- This day we honor the three sisters known to us as a one named Brighid. Brighid of the Shining ones, as she was fathered by the Dagda. Brighid the Mother, as she had three great sons and fostered a people. She was cherished as a provider of sweet milk and cool waters. She gave her flame to the forge for the tools of life, her inspiration to the poets for the essence of life, and her mantel of safety to childbirth for the continuation of life. We come today to renew our faith in the promise of life even as we stand in witness of the bareness of mid-winter.

D2- *leads grove attunement*

D4- Brighid, lend us your flame today to be our centre! Flame, sacred light of the shining ones, accept our offering and pass your strength to us!

*offering of oil to the fire*

D5- Brighid, lend us your well today to surround our centre! Water, pass our offerings
deep into your depths and give us insight into ourselves!

*offering of coins to the well*

D3- Manannan, Son of Lir! You know well the ways of the seas and the stars. Accept this gift, and make a path for us through your mists. Good Lord, ease our passage.

*apple offered to Manannan*

D4- Shining Ones of the upper realm, we come together today to be in your presence. Great and Noble ones, may this offering honor and gladden you! Bestow blessings in kind upon us!

*Silver is offered to the well*

D5- Ancestors, we come together today in remembrance of you! Kinsmen and Kinswomen, accept this offering in love and gratitude! Bestow your blessings upon us!

*oil is offered to the fire*

D1- Spirits of the Land, we honor you! Gracious hosts whose blessings are countless, accept this offering in peace and gratitude!

*nuts are offered to the spirits of the land*

D2- As we come together, we welcome to our rites not all who are know to us or respected by us. To those who we may disturb or displease, accept this offering as your acknowledgment and your due, leave our gathering untroubled.

*dried fruit offered to the outdwellers*

D1- Brigid of the mantles, Brigid of the peat-heap, Brigid of the poet’s flame,
Brigid of the auguries, we welcome you and celebrate you upon this day!
We offer these gifts to you! May they please!

D3- We do not forget all other Goddess and Goddesses on this day. Those of you who wish to honor another with gifts, step forward and speak.

D2- Brighid, who has stayed with her people as Goddess and as Saint, accept these offerings made in praise and petition of you! We have given works to you, Gods and Goddesses of old, from our hearts and from our wealth – accept these and provide us your blessings!

ALL: Gods and Goddesses, accept our gifts!

D3- Brighid and fellow shining ones! Our homage to you has been complete! We ask you favor us with your numerous blessings! Give us the guidance we seek!


*drinking horn is prepared*

D1- Mighty ones, we drink in your names and your honor! Grant us your wisdom, your love and your pride!

ALL: Mighty ones, let us drink from your cup!

*drinking horn is passed around*

D2- We have been blessed today by the Powers of Old. We make them the Powers of the Present with each word we utter and each action we take. As we honor them, we honor ourselves. The bond between us grow. Great ones, Stay if you will, go if you must.

D4- Great Gods, we thank you!

ALL: We thank you!

D5- Ancestors and Kindred, we thank you!

ALL: We thank you!

D1- Spirits of the land, we thank you!

ALL: We thank you!

D2- To all who have been with us and given us aid, we thank you!

ALL: We thank you!

D3- Manannan, you who have lifted the fog for us to ease our travel and watched over us as we passed by, we thank you!

ALL: We thank you!

D2- As we close, let the flame be fire and the well be water. Let the mists fall and the path to the Otherworld be shrouded. Let it be as it was before.

ALL: Let the mists fall!

*silent meditation*

D1- We have done well and have honored our gods rightly. Let us go, as it has ended.

*chimes ring 3X*