Bell ringing druid rings bell thrice.
Processional Chant:
We approach the sacred grove,
With hearts and minds and flesh and bone,
Join us now in ways of old,
We have come home.
Outsiders, forces of chaos, you who have chosen to not be part of our workings,
you who dwell, fierce and untamed beyond our lands in dark places to civilization unknown,
I give you this offering and ask you to stay behind the gate and do not disturb us during this rite.
KSS- Asperses with water
Grove Attunement
Feel yourself reaching down, down into the earth
Down, down, like the roots of a tree
Down to the eternal water
The potential, the essence behind the Well
Down, down, down until you reach the water
Draw the water up, up like the roots of a tree
Draw the water up into you.
Feel yourself reaching up, up into the sky
Up, up, like the branches of a tree
Reaching up to the Sun, to the eternal fire
The spark that brings potential to fruition
The essence behind the Fire
Up, up, up until you reach the fire
Draw the fire down, down the branches of the tree
Draw the fire down into you.
Feel yourself becoming a tree
Feel _us_ becoming a tree
Feel us becoming the World Tree
Spanning the Nine Worlds
Joining the folk
Bringing the fire and the water together
Growing together, growing ever stronger
Feel us all becoming the Tree.
By Fire and by Water, between the Earth and Sky
We stand like the World Tree, rooted deep, crowned high
By Fire and by Water, between the Earth and Sky
We stand like the World Tree, rooted deep, crowned high
Honoring the Earth Mother
From our first breath, to our last sigh,
Our Mother is with us.
From our first laugh to our last cry,
Our Mother will hold us.
She is our body, She is our Home.
We thank you, Great Mother
For all that we have been given.
May we always remember to step lightly upon you,
and to honour your gift of life.
Great Mother, accept these offerings.
{All offer a kiss to the earth while grain is placed on the Altar}
Statement of Purpose
As our ancestors once did so we do today
And so our children will do in the future.
We are gathered here to celebrate Samhain and to thank our deities and spirits
For their blessings and protection during this past year.
We are here to honour the Morrighan and Cerridwyn, on the day of the year when the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest, thus allowing our ancestors to visit our realm.
The Morrighan, the Phantom Queen, is the Celtic Goddess of war, fate, prophecy, and sovereignty. She can foretell death on the battlefield, know with certainty which soldiers will perish, and is the Guardian of the fallen. She is also connected to the land and can take on different forms, including that of the raven or crow, as she transports our souls through the cycles of life and death.
As we welcome another New Year, let us pay homage to the Morrighan by living in service to others as well as by remembering those who have sacrificed their lives in past battles so that we can live in freedom.
Ceridwyn is Goddess of Death and Rebirth, Wisdom, Inspiration and Knowledge, cross-roads and Change. She holds the secrets of initiation and the transformations that we must undergo to become whole unto ourselves. She shows us that the transformation of Death and Rebirth are only letting go of the old and embracing the new.
As the wheel turns so it is time for us to let go of the old year and look toward the New year without fear, but with eagerness, for Cerridwyn is there to guide us.
Establishing the Sacred Grove
KSS makes an offering of incense: (frankincense)
I kindle the sacred fire in wisdom, love, and power.
Sacred fire, burn within us.
All- Sacred fire, burn with us.
KSS makes an offering of silver:
In the depths flow the waters of wisdom.
Sacred waters flow within us.
All- Sacred waters, flow within us.
KSS dresses the world tree:
From the depths to the heights spans the world tree.
Sacred tree, grow within us.
All- Sacred tree, grow within us.
KSS-The fire, the well, the sacred tree,
Flame and flow and grow in me!
In land, sea and sky,
below and on high!
Thus is the sacred grove claimed and hallowed.
By the cleansing of water and fire, let all ill
turn away from me and mine.
All- Biodh Se! (“Bee-shay”)
Opening the Gates.
Manannan mac Lyr, kindly bear us in your mystic craft
across the misty waves from this mundane world to the
spiritual realms on the other side.”
Many thanks. The Gates are Open!
KSS- High Ones, Ancestors and Mighty Sidhe,
Powers of Earth and Sky and Sea,
By Fire and Well, by Sacred Tree,
To each, an offering we make to thee.
Hear us, Old Ones, our ancestors and kin,
You whose blood flows in our veins.
You who have built the foundations our people stands upon
Our respected parents, ancestors, teachers and guides
From you we spring and with you we will grow in health.
Remember us as we remember you:
Ancestors, accept our offering
All: Ancestors, accept our offering
Nature Spirits
Hear us, Spirits of Nature
Kindreds of fur, feather,scale, fin, bark, leaf and stem
Spirits of the forest, mountains, rivers and sky
From you we learn to live in harmony with our world,
and ourselves.
Aid us as we aid you:
Nature Spirits, Accept our offering!
All: Nature Spirits, Accept our offering!
Shining Ones
Hear us, Shining Ones of old, you who uphold the worlds.
You who taught us the mysteries of life, wisdom, love and strength
Guides and guardians of our people, our divine mentors
In you we grow in wisdom, strength, and purity.
Honor us as we honor you:
Shining Ones, accept our offering!
All: Shining Ones, accept our offering!
KSS- We are here to honour our Gods and to ask for their participation.
Call deities of the occasion.
The Morrighan
The Morrighan, our Phantom Queen and Goddess of greatness,
Flying skyward with your feathered black wings
Knowing what fates await us below
Swooping down to transport the fallen
Guiding souls through the cycles of life and death,
and guarding them until they can be born again.
[place offering herbs into the cauldron]
The Morrighan, please join us and bless us as we remember
those you protected who await rebirth.
Blessed Cerridwyn, filled with ancient wisdom,
Your cauldron full of life’s mysteries
With change comes forth growth
Once growth begins, transformation evolves
Life surrenders to your loving embrace
To once again be reborn.
[place offering herbs into the cauldron]
Ceridwyn, join us and bless us as we remember
those who have returned to your embrace and
await to be reborn.
Personal Offerings and Remembrance
KSS- Now, with the blessings of the Gods, the Ancestors and the Spirits of Nature upon us this night of rebirth, and with Their presence all around us, we seek to honour that which has come anew.
Workings: Election – Sr Druid
KSS- In honouring our Gods, we listen to their Wisdom.
Ogham divination
“We have asked and been answered. Are we satisfied, or would we hear more?”
Calling for the Blessing
KSS- As in the ways of old we have given our gifts freely
We will drink deep of the Cup of Inspiration.
Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!
All: Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!
We gather with you between Earth and Sky. We are proud to call ourselves your people.
Once again, Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!
All: Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!
Hallowing of the Waters
KSS- Shining Ones, Noble Ones, and Mighty Ones, We have praised you and received your blessings. Hallow these waters and grant us your strength and inspiration.
Affirmation of the Blessing
KSS- We open our hearts to the flow of your blessing;
We, your children and worshippers.
We drink in wisdom, love and strength
To do as we will in the worlds
In service to the Shining Ones.
We shall drink deep the blessings of the Kindred!
Prayer of Sacrifice
KSS-This eve we gather upon the Earth as one tribe;
To worship and Honour the Kindred as one people;
We gather kin and clan beneath the Sky;
To make offerings to the Kindred in hopes of
Receiving their blessings in return.
Let our voice arise on the flame
Let our voice resound in the well
We call once more through the Gates and deep within
The Otherworld that all shall know our love and respect
Beloved Kindred, We Honour you!
Communal Sharing
Thanking the Powers
KSS- Each time we invoke the Powers they become stronger
and more alert to the needs of the Folk. But the time
has come to end our Working, and give them proper thanks
Thanking the deities of the occasion.
Morrigan – Thank you for attending our rite and bestowing your blessings upon us
If it pleases you, now go or stay.
Blessed Cerridwyn – Thank you for attending our rite and bestowing your blessings upon us
If it pleases you, now go or stay.
Shining Ones
O Lords and Ladies, lofty, high,
To our ancient ones ever nigh,
Thank you for joining us today.
As pleases you, now go or stay.
Nature Spirits
O Spirits of earth, river and sky,
Brothers and sisters of fur, feather, fin, bark, leaf and stem
Thank you for joining us today,
As pleases you, now go or stay.
O Old Ones, our ancestors and kin,
You whose blood flows within.
Thank you for joining us today,
As pleases you, now go or stay.
Manannan mac Lyr,
Many thanks for having borne us here.
Now it is time for us to return, kindly carry us back in your mystic craft
from these spiritual realms to the world of normality.
Many thanks. The gates are closed!
Thanking the Earth Mother
Earth Mother, May we continue to learn from your being
to persevere with faith, to balance with grace
to embrace with love and walk in beauty.
Earth Mother, we thank you.
All: Earth Mother, we thank you.
Final closing
KSS- By the Walker of the Ways, and by our magic, we end
what we began. Let the Fire be flame, and the Well be
water, and the ways between be shut. We have done as
our ancestors have done, and as our children will do,
and the Powers have answered. Let us go out into
the world secure in the knowledge that our offerings
have pleased them and that we go forth under their
protection. The ritual is at a close!
Bell ringing druid rings bell thrice.