Imbolc, 2001



Druid 1
Druid 2
Hearth Tender
Well Tender
Druid 3
Druid 4
Druid 5
Druid 6







alcohol as offering

coins and more coins




dried fruit

Bride’s doll and bed

water or juice for drinking horn




None – since very few of us know the lay-out of Mike’s apartment. Use chimes instead
to mark the start of the ritual.


D1 – *Rings Chimes 3X*




To the Earth Mother:


D2 – Danu, Mother of Mothers, watery source of all life, we honour you and ask
that you preserve us and this rite.


*offers grain to Danu*


Bardic Invocation:


D1 – Exalted one, the radiant flame of imbas! Bright one, the spring of
illumination! Brighid, Goddess of the poets and divine inspirer of us all,
place your spark upon our brows and upon our tongues this night so that
we may better honour you.




D2- On a night such as this, when the air was cold and without a smell or taste of
Spring, our ancestors would come together to honour the Lady Brigit and her
promise. In their merriment, they would ask her blessings and celebrate her
goodness. It was known that once her feast day had come, there would soon be
sweet milk to drink and young livestock to care for. Her feast was a day of
hope and triumph through the knowledge the worst of winter had been
experienced. We come together this night to ask Her blessings once more. We
come to renew our commitment to the old Gods. We come to show our respect
to the practices our ancestors. We come to ask blessings for ourselves and our
kin. We come together as a community to celebrate Her promise.




*to be lead by someone other than me, hopefully.*




Hearth Tender


Fine Fire, lit from Brighid’s own flame, which burns brightly in Kildare,
accept our offering of good drink this night. May it send heat and light
towards the gods. Warm fire! Burn in the centre of our celebration!
Strong fire! Burn in the centre of our world!


*offers alcohol to the fire*


Well Tender


Sweet water, drawn from a well of Ontario, accept our offering of good
coin this night. May it fall fast and far down your depths. Cold water!
Surround our celebration! Strong Water! Surround our world!


*offers coins to the well*


Opening of the Gates


Gatekeeper Manannan, Son of the Sea! You, who know well the ways of the waters
and the stars. You, who ride your chariot across the wave tops. Great
Lord, make a path for us tonight through the gates of fire and water.

Mannanan mac Lir, accept our coins and open the gates!


*offers coins to the well*




The Gods


D3- Shining Ones, we come together tonight to honour you! Join us in
celebration of one of your own – Brighid, Daughter of Dagda, Wife of
Tuireann, and Mother of Brian, Iuchar and Ircharba. Great Lords and
Ladies, those we know and do not know, accept this offering with peace
and merriment!


*offers silver to the well*


The Ancestors


D4 – Ancestors, we come together tonight to honour you! Good teachers, join
us in celebration of Brighid, whose waters refreshed you and whose milk
nourished you so that you may nurture us. Kinsmen and kinswomen,
accept this offering with peace and merriment!


*offers oil to the fire*


Spirits of the Land


D5 – Spirits of the Land, we come together tonight to honour you! Spirits of
the soil, and of the waterways, we acknowledge you! Spirits of the green,
and of the animals, we acknowledge you! Gracious and generous spirits
who give so that we may live, accept this offering with peace and


*offers nuts to the spirits of the land*




D6 – We come as a community seeking to celebrate this holy day. We have
welcomed to our festivities fewer than those known to us and respected
by us. To you who we may disturb or displease, accept this offering as
your due and leave our rites untroubled.


*offers dried fruits to the outdwellers*




D1- Brigid of the mantles,

Brigid of the peat-heap,

Brigid of the poet’s flame,

Brigid of the auguries.


Brigid of the white feet,

Brigid of the smith’s fire,

Brigid of the white palms,

Brigid of the kine.


*Bride’s doll is placed into a small bed (prepared before hand)

Which is near the flame and well, but not too close ;)*




D2 – Good woman Bride, we bring gifts to you, on this your feast day.


*offerings to Brighid are made*



D1 – We forget not all other Great ones on this day. Those of you who wish to

honour another with gifts, step forward and speak.


*other offerings are made*


D2- Blessed Brighid, You who have always been with Your peoples, in guise of
Goddess, Saint or loved one, accept these gifts. We who cherish you,
make these offerings in praise of you! We who honour you, make these
offerings in remembrance of you!


All- Brighid, accept our gifts!


We have given works to you, Gods and Goddesses of Old, from our hearts
and from our wealth. Let our voices rise through the fire, sink through
the well, and let our words pass the boundry to the other worlds.


ALL- Gods and Goddesses of Old, accept our gifts!


*sending energy to the powers – silent meditation*


D1- Brighid, Goddess of the filids, our homage to you has been complete.

Shining ones, we have held you in the highest esteem. We ask that you

favour us in turn with guidance and insight.


*diviner takes omens and interprets*


*drinking horn is prepared*


D2- Daughter of Dagda, grant us your blessings of long life, eloquent words
and the power to transform that which is in us! Good woman Bride, help
in the healing of our ill kinsmen and kinswomen, and bless the waters we
drink daily.


All- Brighid, let us drink from your cup!


*drinking horn is passed around once*


D1- Mighty Ones, let us drink in your names. Gods of the tribes, we seek
your wisdom, your love and your esteem. Grant us these in friendship!


All- Mighty Ones, let us drink from your cup!


*drinking horn is passed around again*




D2- We have been blessed today by the Powers of Old. We make them the
Powers of the Present with each word we utter and each action we take.

As we honour them, we also honour ourselves. The bonds between us

grow in friendship and in love. Stay if you will, go if you must. You will
all ways be present in our hearts.


D1- Lady Brigit, we thank you!


All- We thank you!


D3- Great Gods, we thank you!


All- We thank you!


D4- Ancestors and Kindred, we thank you!


All- We thank you!


D5- Spirits of the Land, we thank you!


All- We thank you!


D6- To all spirits, named and unnamed, who have been with us this night and
who have aided us, we thank you!


All- We thank you!


Gatekeeper- Manannan, you have helped us find our path is night, and watched over
us while we were on it. For your strength and vigilence, we thank you!


All- We thank you!


D2 – As we now close, let the flame be mere fire, and the well be mere water.

Let the gates to the Otherworlds close, but not lock. Let all be as it was
before, until we meet as travelers again.


All- Let the gates be closed.


*silent mediation – journeying back time*


D1- We have celebrated Brighid well. We have honoured our Gods rightly.

Let us go. It has ended.