Yule Omen 2014

Past: (Ivy) Seeking, aquiring, gathering what’s needed in all aspects of life.

Present: (Elder) The Soul, Our true self, througout the incarnations.

Future: (Blackthorn) Victory, success, triumph.

We were all quite satisfied with this reading and there was no explanatory Ohgam.

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Winter Solstice 2014


Beginning Ritual
Ring bell thrice.

Opening Prayer
Welcome to all who come to keep the Old Ways. Let us weave together our spirits to honor the Gods and to celebrate the strength of our community with the light of our love and laughter throughout this darkest night. May the Gods watch over us and bless this gathering.

Grove Attunement {right hand on the left shoulder of the person beside you}
D-The Fire it burns warm, bright within us,
Feel the flame’s heat between you and me,
D-The well it flows smooth, deep beneath us,
Feel the waters flow between you and me,
D-The tree it grows strong, high above us,
Feel the connection of it’s roots between you and me,
D-We are together, our hearts open,
Earth’s children united , as it was meant to be.

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Samhain Omen 2014

The omen follows:

Past: edad, aspen, success. Our deities are reminding us that things have gone relatively well.

Present: onn, furze, gathering. This is a time to seek and find what is needed. Future: ngetal, broom, cleansing.

The future is a time for healing, cleansing, tossing the outworn to make room for the new.

The traditional question: “Our deities have spoken; are we satisfied or would we hear more?” was asked and there was a request to hear more.

Explanatory ogham: nin, ash, bridge. We are reminded of the interconnection of the worlds, of those who have passed, those who think of us and watch over us as we think of them and wish them well.

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Samhain 2014

Bell ringing druid rings bell thrice.

Grove Attunement

D-The Fire it burns bright within us,
Feel the flame between you and me,

D-The well it flows deep beneath us,
Feel the waters between you and me,

D-The tree it grows high above us,
Feel the connection between you and me,

D-We are together, our hearts open,
Earth’s children united , as it was meant to be.


KSS- Purifies with sage

Honoring the Earth Mother

From our first breath, to our last sigh,
Our Mother is with us.
From our first laugh to our last cry,
Our Mother will hold us.
She is our body, She is our Home.
We thank you, Great Mother
For all that we have been given.
May we always remember to step lightly upon you,
and to honour your gift of life.
Great Mother, accept these offerings.

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Autumn Equinox Omen 2014

The omen was: past, coll, hazel, inspiration and present sail willow intuition, two complementing suggestions that we be especially mindful to what we’re receiving from our deities and our unconscious. Yes, there is reasoned logical thought and, in addition, this is an especially opportune moment to be in tune with the balancing aspect of awareness.
The future is huath whitethorn, rest, recuperation, taking it easy, regaining strength and not overstressing ourselves.

The traditional question, “Our deities have spoken; are we satisfied or would we hear more?” was asked. Everyone was satisfied.

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Autumn Equinox 2014

Initiating the Rite –
Singing –
As we approach the Sacred Grove
With hearts and minds and flesh and bone.
Join us now in ways of old,
We have come home.

Ringing of the bells

Establishing the Group Mind

Grounding and Centering done by Mouse

Purification – This must take place prior to Opening the Gates
The asperging bowl is filled from the Well and the smudge is kindled from the Fire. Ritual participants are cleansed with water from the well and purified with smoke from the censor.

When all participants have been purified a Druid will step forward saying:

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Lughnasad 2014 Omen

The first one was Hawthorne, which from my personal understanding is about the home and protecting those who gather within against outside forces.

The second one, which was a clairfier to the first one was oak, which from my personal understand is lord of the forest, lord of the tribe…Champion and sometimesalso the druid…Sometimes the door

And the third one is Ash which from my personal understanding is a marking of peace, the middle point of the tribe..

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