Winter Solstice 2014


Beginning Ritual
Ring bell thrice.

Opening Prayer
Welcome to all who come to keep the Old Ways. Let us weave together our spirits to honor the Gods and to celebrate the strength of our community with the light of our love and laughter throughout this darkest night. May the Gods watch over us and bless this gathering.

Grove Attunement {right hand on the left shoulder of the person beside you}
D-The Fire it burns warm, bright within us,
Feel the flame’s heat between you and me,
D-The well it flows smooth, deep beneath us,
Feel the waters flow between you and me,
D-The tree it grows strong, high above us,
Feel the connection of it’s roots between you and me,
D-We are together, our hearts open,
Earth’s children united , as it was meant to be.

K Purifies with sage as we sing- Solstice Carole By The Wyrd Sisters

Honoring the Earth Mother
Earth Mother, your children are listening,
From you we learn to walk lightly and in harmony
From you we learn the strength of balance
and the true meaning of Beauty in both your aspects,
As Creator and Destroyer,
Earth Mother, you comfort and sustain us and we honour you.
{All offer a kiss to the earth well grain is placed on the Altar}

Outdwellers druid
” Outsiders, forces of chaos, you who have chosen to not be part of our workings, you who dwell, fierce and untamed beyond our lands in dark places to civilization unknown, I give you this offering and ask you to stay behind the gate and do not disturb us during this rite,

Statement of Purpose
K- As it is in the dead of Winter, it was for our ancestors a time for the Folk to gather in their halls and light fires against the harsh coldness outside. They would feast on the crops they had saved for this dark time of the year, and share what gifts they might in order to keep their moods bright through this dark season. It is a time when we, the Folk, gather to acknowledge the cold darkness of Winter and ask the Kindreds for help through the hard times so that we may yet see the next year’s planting and reaping. As our ancestors once did, so do we do today, and so will our children do in the future.

Establishing the Sacred Grove
K makes an offering of incense:
I kindle the sacred fire of inspiration and love.
Sacred fire, burn within us.
All- Sacred fire, burn with us.

K makes an offering of silver:
In the depths flow the waters of wisdom and peace.
Sacred waters flow within us.
All- Sacred waters, flow within us.

K dresses the world tree:
From the depths to the heights
spans the world tree of strength and perseverance.
Sacred tree, grow within us.
All- Sacred tree, grow within us.

K The fire, the well, the sacred tree,
Flame and flow and grow in me!
In land, sea and sky,
below and on high!
Thus is the sacred grove claimed and hallowed.
By the cleansing of water and fire, let all ill
turn away from me and mine.
All- Biodh Se! (“Bee-shay”)

Opening the Gates
Gatekeeper: “O Bee-leh, forest-heart, sacred tree!
O Being reaching to mystery!
O Bridge! lift us now along with Thee.
Let your gateway be opened

Kindred Prayer
K- High Ones, Ancestors and Mighty Sidhe,
Powers of Earth and Sky and Sea,
By Fire and Well, by Sacred Tree,
To each, an offering we make to thee.
Hear us, Old Ones, our ancestors and kin,
You whose blood flows in our veins.
Our respected parents, ancestors, teachers and guides
From you we spring and with you, we will continue.
Remember us as we remember you:
Ancestors, accept our offering

Hear us, Spirits of Nature
Kindred of the forest, mountains, rivers and sky
From you we learn harmony and beauty,
with our world and within ourselves.
Aid us as we aid you:
Nature Spirits, Accept our offering!

High Ones
Hear us, Shining Ones of old, you who uphold the worlds.
Guides and guardians of our people, our divine mentors
Our faith in you guides us so we may grow
in wisdom, strength, and peace.
Honor us as we honor you:
Shining Ones, accept our offering!

Deity Prayer
K- We are here to honour our Gods and to ask for their participation.

Oh great Lugh, protector of our grove
‘O Shining, Radiant, Lovely One,
In awe and reverence.
We make offering to you of gold,
The shining tear of the sun.
So your flame may grow in strength and brilliance.

Oh blessed Epona, protector of our grove,
We behold your great mystery this day,
In awe and reverence.
We make offering to you of Apples,
The fruit of the tree of the Blessed Isle of Death and Rebirth.

Personal Offerings

The Lighting of the Vigil Candle
At sunset to be taken to the gathering place.
{at this time we will head indoors where the rest of the ritual will be done throughout the night until the greeting of the dawn}

During the night at the Vigil
Prayer of Sacrifice
KSS-This eve we gather together as one tribe;
To worship and Honour the Kindred as one people;
We gather kin and clan to make offerings to the Kindred in hopes of
receiving their blessings in return.
Let our voices arise on the flame and let our voices resound in the well.
We call once more that all shall know our love and respect
Beloved Kindred, Blessed Epona, Great Lugh
We Honour you!
All- We honour you!

Divination Prayer
KSS- In honouring our Gods, we listen to their Wisdom.

Ogham divination
“We have asked and been answered. Are we satisfied, or would we hear more?”

Calling for the Blessing
KSS- As in the ways of old we have given our gifts freely
We will drink deep of the Cup of Inspiration.
Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!
All: Kindred, your blessings upon us!
We gather with you between Earth and Sky. We are proud to call ourselves your people.
Once again, Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!
All: Kindred, your blessings upon us!

Hallowing of the Waters
KSS- Shining Ones, Noble Ones, and Mighty Ones, We have praised you and received your blessings. Hallow these waters and grant us your strength and inspiration.

Affirmation of the Blessing
KSS- We open our hearts to the flow of your blessing;
We drink in wisdom, love and strength
To do as we will in the worlds In service to the Shining Ones.
We shall drink deep the blessings of the Kindred!

At Dawn

Thanking the Powers
K-Each time we invoke the Powers they become stronger
and more alert to the needs of the Folk.
But the time has come to end our Working and
send our light back to the sun.

Epona on your white swift steed,
Sheltering Celts in time of need,
We’re grateful you were here today,
As pleases you, go now or stay.

O great Lugh, champion strong!
Defending our tribe sure and long,
We’re grateful you were here today
As pleases you, go now or stay.

High Ones druid:
O Lords and Ladies, lofty, high,
To our ancient ones ever nigh,
Thank you for joining us today.
As pleases you, now go or stay.

Natural druid:
O Spirits of earth,river and sky,
Running, swimming, flying high.
Thank you for joining us today,
As pleases you, now go or stay.

Ancestral druid:
O Old Ones, our ancestors and kin,
You whose blood flows within.
Thank you for joining us today,
As pleases you, now go or stay.

Gatekeeping Druid:
“O Bee-leh, forest-heart, sacred tree!
O Being reaching to mystery!
O Bridge! Who brought us back through Thee.
Let your gateway be closed.

Thanking the Earth Mother
Earth Mother, May we continue to learn from your being
to persevere with faith, to balance with grace
to embrace with love and walk in beauty.
Earth Mother, we thank you.

Final closing
K- By the Walker of the Ways, and by our magic, we end
what we began. Let the Fire be flame, and the Well be
water, and the ways between be shut. We have done as
our ancestors have done, and as our children will do,
and the Powers have answered. Let us go out into
the world secure in the knowledge that our offerings
have pleased them and that we go forth under their
protection. The ritual is at a close.
All- Biodh Se! (“bee-shay”)
[blow out the candle]

{this ritual brought to you with help from previous RMG rituals as well as help from the ADF website 🙂 }

Solstice Carole Lyrics: By The Wyrd Sisters

A Fire is burning
The long night draws near
All who need comfort
Are welcome by here
We’ll dance ‘neath the stars
And toast the past year
For the spirit of solstice
Is still living here

We’ll count all our blessings
While the mother lays down
With the snow as her blanket
Covering the ground
Thanks to the mother
For the life that she bring
She’ll waken to warm us
Again in the spring

The poor and the hungry
The sick and the lost
These are our children
No matter the cost
Come by the fire
The harvest to share
For the spirit of solstice
Is still living here

A Fire is burning
The long night draws near
All who need comfort
Are welcome by here
We’ll dance ‘neath the stars
And toast the past year
For the spirit of solstice
Is still living here

The spirit of solstice
Is still living here