Imbolc, 2005

Contextual Note: Red Maple Grove was asked to conduct the closing ritual at Januscon, an Ottawa Pagan Convention. On the dramatic cancellation of this convention with little notice, Red Maple Grove rescheduled our rit at the Tree Ring for Imbolc to the time and date slotted for the Januscon closing ritual, 4 PM Sunday January 30th.

Past: tinne, holly. That aspect of the past being drawn to our attention by our deities is that connected with balance, moderation and harmony.

Present: Ngetal, broom. What our deities are directing to us concerning the present is cleansing, sweeping away that which needs to be swept away.

Future: Beithe, birch. the future is a new beginning, the dawn, the coming spring, a new freshness.

Our traditional question, “Our gods have spoken to us; are we satisfied or would we hear more?” brought a request for more information on the new future beginning.

Explanatory Ogham: Queirt, apple, choice of beauty. At the ritual this diviner on pulling that few spread his hands, shrugged and said, “Choice of beauty,” a few times and thought, “Take your pick.”

Interpretive Remark: the aptness of this omen to immediate events in the Ottawa Pagan community was striking enough to cause interjection from a prominent visitor during the divination. However, this diviner feels this omen is operating on a number of different levels. Two of those levels, in my opinion, are connected. I believe that Red Maple Grove is being challenged, along with ADF as a whole, to retain harmonious interconnection, to sweep away past concepts (including the idea of national sovereignty) and select what beautifully benefits us all.